Her Story

Her Story

MISHA's story is rooted in the vision and journey of its founder, Michelle Aznavorian.

Her journey began in Melbourne, where her fascination with fashion emerged at an early age. As a teenager, Michelle's entrepreneurial spirit led her to reselling vintage designer garments, cultivating her affinity for fashion and discovering the power of timeless styles.

Soon after graduating from the Melbourne School of Fashion, in 2014 Michelle took her creativity and knowledge of textiles and embarked on a mission to create an international fashion brand. This encapsulation of her personal aesthetic became the defining DNA that shaped MISHA's design ethos. This philosophy quickly emerged, emphasising diverse and carefully curated fabrications, intricate details, and a balance of practicality; reflecting the dynamic needs of modern women.

Under Michelle's guidance, MISHA continues to evolve, with an unwavering focus on design and community. The brand's journey mirrors Michelle's own, blending creativity, resilience, and adaptability to create a supportive community and a fashion label that truly empowers women.